Inspiring children by sharing stories of Super Stokies past and present
What is a Super Stokie?
Some Super Stokies will have been born here, some will have come here later in life but all will have done amazing things that deserve to be known.
Children need positive role models and through this project we hope to encourage the younger generation to dream – what kind of Super Stokie will they be?
Super Stokies will have been successful in their chosen field of work or will have contributed to society in other ways. They will not all be famous. Let’s shine a light on the positive impact Stokies have had on the city and beyond!
We want to include Super Stokies from a wide variety of fields and it is sometimes difficult to find them. Do you know of a successful judge, a pioneering scientist, engineer or architect? Someone who has made a massive contribution to their local community or who has done something that only a small number of people have done before?
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