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There are some incredibly well known Super Stokies. We can’t imagine many people who haven’t heard of Josiah Wedgwood or Stanley Matthews, for example. But how do we find the more modern Super Stokies who have done amazing things that we haven’t heard of?

Maybe we should be including a Stokie was the architect behind an amazing building, an incredibly talented surgeon or an engineer who solved one of the world’s problems. If you know of an unsung Super Stokie, please let us know. Together we can fill the pages of these books with people who will inspire the next generation of Super Stokies.


We are looking for partners to help us to get all three books into the hands of every Year 2 and Year 3 child in Stoke-on-Trent in time for the centenary celebrations in June 2025.

If you or your business would like to know more about how you can support this, fill out our partnership form.