The Project

We are currently in the research and development stage of this project.

Kathy is busily reading everything that she can find about potential Super Stokies.

Illustrator Sarah has designed the wonderful Super Stokies logo and has done two sample pages so that we can show how we’ll present these Super Stokies in a child-friendly and engaging way.

We’re looking to make a set of three books:

  • Super Stokies
  • Super Stokies of the Past
  • Super Stokies: Community Heroes

Each book will feature 14 Super Stokies from a wide variety of backgrounds and with a wide variety of achievements.

We want children to have access to stories of people who represent the best of our city in terms of achievement or contribution to the wider world. These positive role models have all worked hard to gain the success that they have enjoyed. Some of these Super Stokies were the first to achieve a certain thing: they didn’t see it, they dreamt it and did it. We are looking to show that hard work and perseverance can pay off. That people from this city have done and continue to do amazing things. That they could too.

If you’d like to know more about our project, have a Super Stokie to nominate or would be interested in partnering with us, please get in touch.